Welcome to the Web Site for 

The Central New York Orchid Society

Central New York's Only Society Dedicated to the Culture and Enjoyment of the World's Most Diverse and Fascinating Family of Plants.

Syracuse, DeWitt, Baldwinsville, Fayetteville, Liverpool, Oswego, Ithaca, Rome, Oneonta, Camillus, Solvay, Manlius, Cortland, Marcellus, Utica



CNYOS on Facebook


CNYOS Contacts

CNYOS Membership Application

Calendar of Events
CNYOS, neighboring societies and groups, including calendar listing for refreshment and
other volunteers

 Our last show was the 2022 Annual Fall Show & Sale at the Beaver Lake Nature Center 

(we may not have a 2024 Show and Sale if there are no volunteers to coordinate events and judges)

See flower pictures from our 2018 Show

Directions to Meeting Location:
St. Augustine's Church in Baldwinsville, NY

Download the most recent edition
of the CNYOS Newsletter:
The Orchid Enthusiast

Virtual Show Table Member Orchid pictures
Members can now directly upload digital
images to our website

The Show Table

Past Meetings & Events

Vendors, Societies, Forum, etc.

Items of Interest...

Native Orchids of New York State

IPM Link

AOS Corner

Orchid Trading Post
Orchid Society auctions as well




Our next scheduled meeting will be on Sunday, March 2nd, 2pm. Our speaker will be Don Leopold, Professor Emeritus from SUNY ESF at Syracuse, who will giving a presentation on Native Orchids.
There are nearly 60 species and varieties of orchids in New York State, and Don has seen almost all of them. Don loves botanizing for orchids and other rare plants in and around the state and country, so he has a lot of images and stories to share. Club member Charles Ufford got his start in native orchid hunting by trying to track down old species records around the state
Don won't have orchids to sell, so there will be a Raffle table and most definitely a Show table 
Please take note of the following dates.
MARCH 27-30  GROS Orchid Show
        Eisenhart Museum, East Ave.     Rochester 
APRIL 11-13. STOS Orchid Show
       30 Brocton St., Johnson City
    The club discussed the possibility of having an "Outreach Judging Show" the first weekend in October. David was going to see if the church rectory would be available to host this one day event. He would ask for Saturday and Sunday availability from the church. Judges from the NE Judging Center would be contacted after we have a date.We talked about whether it would be open to the public, and if vendors would be invited. There would be no formal exhibits. GROS AND STOS would be invited. It is a chance to have your orchid judged. Volunteers would be needed. We should supply lunch for workers and vendors
~    MEMBERSHIP - Dues are now due! If you haven't paid yet, then you will be dropped from the email list for newsletters and will not receive links to the Zoom programs . Since we have been holding meetings with speakers both on Zoom and now in-person, we have resumed collection of dues. Please contact Sue Finger is you are not sure if your dues are paid. Thank you!

We have had a few volunteers for officers, and still need volunteers for other positions like newsletter editor. If you have ideas, questions or suggestions, please contact Jerry, Judi or Jan.  


We have shifted to posting, viewing and talking about orchids on our Facebook page. The link to our page is on the toolbar to the left. Check out our Facebook page; there are people from around the world who visit and upload orchid pictures, questions and comments. If you have orchids flowering now or they did flower during the last few months but meetings were canceled, head over to Facebook and upload these pictures and chat with people there! 

At our previous 2022 Fall Show and Sale, there were 3 AOS awards given! Show and AOS Awards pictures will soon be uploaded. Pictures of flowers, displays and artwork can be viewed on the Show Pictures page.

We are now collecting Dues for 2024 since we are holding meetings with paid speakers. If you would like to receive links to our meetings, then please submit your 2024 dues by March 31st to  Club Treasurer Sue Finger - Thanks!

Our orchid club is now on Facebook! Check it out here and let us know what else you think might be good to have on the site.

Our main website now hosts two photo galleries. One is our the Show Pictures page where images from our orchid shows can be viewed, The second is the Virtual Showtable page, which shows previous years' Member's flowering orchids, which hadn't cooperated by flowering during a show or meeting. This page has been superseded by our Facebook page, where members and many guests post and share orchid pictures. There are native orchid pictures which can be viewed; both links can be found to the left. 


Also a reminder that our newsletter and website have a section where Members can post a list of orchids or orchid-related items they wish to sell/buy/trade. If you are a neighboring orchid society (including Canada) and will be having an orchid auction, these can be listed there as well as on our events calendar. Send requests to Newsletter Editor Chris Smith

(csmith23 at twcny dot rr dot com) and your list will be put in the newsletter and on our website. Please submit your request at least two weeks before the next scheduled meeting - Thanks!


Hope to see you at our next meeting or event!


See the CNYOS calendar for other regional orchid-related events!

Last updated: Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024

Web designer - digital, 35mm and
4 x 5 large format photography:
Charles Ufford 

(website at cnyos dot org)

  Annual Fall Show and Sale Calendar of Events Newsletters Officer contacts Show Pictures Virtual Showtable Pictures Links Directions AOS info