Our last show was held on September 28th-29th at the Shoppingtown Mall in Dewitt, NY. We had a record 5 AOS awards handed out, with three to our own club members. Way to go team! The most prestigious award was given to Donna Coleman for her wonderful Oncidium crista-galli specimen. She was awarded the Certificate of Cultural Excellence (CCE) , which is very rarely given out to people who have grown a species or hybrid to the absolute best quality that has been observed by AOS judges. Her plant was described as being very difficult to grow, yet she provided such good cultural conditions for her plant that it was one of the finest specimens that has ever been seen for a Onc. crista-galli; by the way, she grows it on her windowsill! More commonly people will receive CCM's (Certificate of Cultural Merit) for plants that have been grown to above-average size and condition and/or flower count. Many of our members won ribbons for their orchids, artwork, photographs and educational displays.
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